WWW Wednesday (April 22nd)

This weekly meme is hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s open to all to participate. Why not join in and let us know what’s on your reading list this week…

To join in, just answer the following three questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?


Hi all! Hope you’re all safe and well and enjoying your books 🙂

I’m reading Snap by Belinda Bauer

Think this is going to be a quick read as it’s quite fast-paced!

The blurb

Eileen Bright puts her 11-year-old son Jack in charge when she left their broken-down car on the side of the road to find help. But she never comes back, and three years later, Jack’s still in charge: of his sisters, of making ends meet, of making sure nobody knows they’re all alone in the house, and–quite suddenly–of finding out who murdered his mother. Meanwhile, a young woman named Catherine While wakes to find a knife beside her bed, and a note reading “I could have killed you.” With a husband on the road and a baby on the way, Catherine makes a single bad choice that leads her into a tangled web of deception and danger. 


I recently finished 

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Loved it! There wasn’t anything that I disliked about this book and if I had the time would read it again! Enjoyed the setting, the characters and the plot, all of it. If I had to make one small criticism it would be that in places it was somewhat overly descriptive but it’s of its time.

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

When a book is so eagerly anticipated and the hype is off the chart you can’t but help feel that the actual event will be a massive anticlimax – thankfully this is not the case here.  I bloody loved it!

Doreen by Barbara Noble

This is one the Persephone books and is about the effects on children, parents and host families of those evacuated during World War 2.  It’s an interesting one as it looks at all those involved.

What’s up next? Who knows 😉

It could be one of many at the moment.  It’s definitely going to be one guided by my mood on the day.

What do you make of my choices this week?

Do share what you’re reading and recommendations in the comments…and stay safe everyone!

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